Top Crypto Sites that will feed your brain with Crypto Updates

In this post, we are going to talk about the top sites that will help us monitor Cryptocurrencies and other digital coins.

The world is changing very fast, and as a normal person with a normal job, I have been intrigued with Cryptocurrency for years and invest little that I can only afford to lose. But nevertheless, we just don’t want to lose, we love to win. But in order to win, we need sources and information to keep our heads up to the positivity of winning.

Let’s Begin with Coinmarketcap

1. Coinmarketcap

Coinmarketcap is said to be the first world’s first referenced price ticker for cryptocurrency. As what you can also guarantee to what they say to what we should expect, It’s mission is to make cryptocurrency more discoverable and to be more efficient to global market, where as to empower retailers with no biases, accurate and highest quality posible.

This one of a kind price ticker has been a while since 2013, they grown and became the most trusted source from their users/visitors reviews.

Cryto Ranking

Just like other price tickers and exchanges, you will get an overview of Crypto ranking starting from the obvious rank 1 which is the BTC to 100 more lists per page. All Crypto and digital coins are listed with over 5,000 pages.

The Recently Added Crypto Page

Time is very important, as they speak time is gold. Coinmaketcap has the most updated newly added coins in the market, where it is very advantageous to HODL’ers.

Your Own Portfolio

You can create your own investment portforlio in Coinmarketcap, which is a very good idea to monitor your digital assets. All you need to do is to create an account and voila! you can monitor your assets in no time.

There are more features that you can see in Coinmarketcap, from ICO to almost everything that relates to Crypto Market.

2. Coindesk

Personally, I learned about crypto when one of my colleagues brag about Bitcoin, where he was earning from investing to some company that turned out to be a scam. Lucky I got interested’s in knowing only how bitcoin was created and how bitcoin works, it was 2017 when I am trying to know about crypto, thanks to Coindesk.

Coindesk is one of the most reliable sources of information about Cryptocurrency. As a matter of fact during the time I am trying to understand Bitcoin, Coindesk first introduces it to me, thanks to google who lead me to coindesk.

Learn more about Crypto with their 101 Guides, Videos, TV and Podcasts.

3. Coingecko

Similarly, a good-looking site too like Coinmarketcap, from price ticker, basic line charting. It gives you an accurate data of live price of Cryptocurrency and digital assets. They have listed with over 8000+ coins and 300+ exchanges. The site user friendly where you can join community platform that they run such as Telegram, Discord, Reddit, Twitter and more.

Coingecko are widely used to developers who run the similar app and Crypto faucets to track and update their rewards automatically. Smartphone App is also available for Android and Iphone for best smaller screen experience.

4. Other Crypto Blog and News Site

Lists of sites that you can rely on what is happening in the crypto world, for your fundamental analysis.

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