Ways To Protect Your Eyes From Screen Time: Reclaim Your Vision

When it comes to our phones and computers, we can’t seem to help ourselves. In today’s digital world, it’s almost impossible to avoid checking social media, reading news articles, or watching cat videos, and that can leave a lot of us with strained or over-exercised eyes.

Many of us spend our days glued to screens, from smartphone apps to computer monitors, tablets, and TVs. But, while there are benefits to being plugged in, there are also potential risks.

If you’re one of the many people who spend long hours staring at a screen, here are some ways to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of screen time.

Limit How Much You Screen

While it can be tempting to check social media or email constantly, it can also lead to serious eye strain and potential retinal damage.

The longer you look at a screen, the more your eyes need to work and focus, which can cause them to tire and become increasingly vulnerable to retinal damage and eye strain.

If you’re constantly checking social media, emails, news articles, or other screens, your eyes need to work harder and longer than if you’re scrolling or typing on a paper or keyboard.

If you’re spending hours a day staring at a screen, you may be increasing your risk of eye strain, vision loss, and chronic dry eyes.

Keep Your Monitor And Device At A Distance

While it may be tempting to keep your screen close, especially when you’re working, you need to keep in mind that you’re still at risk of eye strain and damage. Even if you’re sitting down at a desk or table, you’re still at risk of damaging your eyes.

If you’re at risk of eye strain, keep your screen at least 12 inches (or 30 cm) away from your eyes. You may find that you’re less tempted to look at your device if you have to scroll and type on a piece of paper or a keyboard.

Take Breaks Frequently

If you’re constantly checking social media, emails, news articles, or other screens, your eyes are likely over-stressed. When you look at a screen for too long, your eyes are working harder than when you’re scrolling or typing on a keyboard.

In addition to the obvious risks of eye strain, chronic dry eyes, and vision loss, over-stressed eyes can also result in blurred vision. When you’re constantly staring at a screen, your eyes need to rest so that they don’t become permanently damaged.

If you spend long hours looking at a screen, take frequent breaks. Try focusing on something else for a few minutes, or go for a short walk or walk around the block.

Use An Ergonomic Keyboard

Also known as a wrist rest, an ergonomic keyboard can provide a safer, more comfortable way to type on your computer. You may find that using an ergonomic keyboard can mitigate the risks of prolonged screen time.

If you’re at risk of eye strain, a wrist rest can provide a comfortable place to rest your hands while you type on a keyboard. A wrist rest can also reduce the risk of repetitive strain injury (RSI), which can result from prolonged typing. If you’re at risk of chronic dry eyes, a wrist rest may help to prevent this issue.

Keep Your Eyes Shoulders-Height

While you may feel comfortable keeping your eyes glued to the screen all day, doing so can lead to eye strain, blurred vision, and even permanent eye damage.

Rather than keeping your eyes at a low angle, constantly straining your neck, keep your eyes at a normal or higher-than-average height. This will prevent your eyes from becoming over-stressed and over-strained as you strain to focus on your screen.

Think About Distance From the Screen

If you’re constantly staring at a screen, you may be increasing your risk of eye strain, blurred vision, and other issues. Try to think about the distance between the screen and your eyes as you’re scrolling through your social media feed.

If you’re at risk of eye strain or chronic dry eyes, you may find that you’re less tempted to look at your device if there’s a distance between you and the screen.

Take A Nap

If you’re struggling to avoid constantly staring at a screen, try taking a short nap during the day. While you may feel tired and tired while you’re sleeping, taking breaks while you’re awake can help you to avoid the problems associated with over-scheduling.

If you’re trying to protect your eyes from screen time, take a short nap during the day. You’ll be tired and tired while you’re asleep, but you won’t be staring at a screen and increasing your risk of eye strain and other issues.

There’s no doubt that spending long hours staring at a screen can strain your eyes, as well as cause other issues such as blurred vision, chronic dry eyes, and eye strain.

If you’re at risk of these issues, you should limit how much you screen, keep your monitor and device at a distance, and take frequent breaks while you’re working.

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